Friday, July 20, 2012

Secret Ingredients for an Easy-to-make, Quick yet Nutritious and Hearty Main Course Dish

Slow cooked meals retain their vitamins, the meat becomes very tender and the vegetable flavored broth is superb.  Here are our four hearty meal secrets:

Secret 1:  Keep it simple!  Choose three vegetables to complement your meat or fish (we always choose cabbage as one of the vegetables and we noticed that onions actually spoil the flavor, so we always exclude onions).  Our usual combination is whole head of cabbage, beets tops and carrots.  Be generous with your veggies.  Organic are the best.  Did you know that organically grown vegetables have 70 nutrients, while chemically grown vegetables only 3?

Secret 2:  Oil it.  Add olive oil.

Secret 3: Tenderize.  Add apple cider vinegar and tomato sauce (tomato sauce is optional).

Secret 4: Easy does it.  Cook on low heat until the meat is very tender and falls of the bone, usually 1 hour.

Recipe Sample

Choose any meat or combination of meats
Example 1: chicken, turkey or pork (all three combine well)
Example 2: cod
Place big pieces of meat into the oiled deep pan.

Choose three vegetables
Example 1: cabbage, beet tops and carrots
Example 2:  cabbage and bell pepper excellent combination for cod
Chop vegetables into large pieces.  Top the meat with vegetable layer.

 Note:  you can add whole potatoes for carbohydrates. 

I really never measure these, so add the quantities to suit your palate.  Add 1-3 cups of water (depending on how much broth you like with your meal, keep in mind that vegetables will generate their own juices).  Pour generous amounts (approximately 1/4 cup each) of olive oil and apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of tomato sauce on top of everything and cook it on low heat.  

Server with seasonings of your choice.  It is delicious as it is.  Enjoy!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Raw Beet Salad

Raw Beet Salad:
We eat this delicious, crunchy salad weekly.  When refrigerated and, if the cheese is excluded, it can last 3 days.  It is easy to make and beets are very rich in antioxidants, potassium and folic acid.   We choose only organic ingredients.
1 large beet root shredded
2 large carrots shredded
2 stalks of celery finely chopped
1/4 cup  Raisins
1/4 cup  Sunflowers 1/4 cup
Add apple cider vinegar and olive oil to taste 
Optional: 1/4 cup Cheddar Cheese small cubes


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Youthful Gate, Healthy Back and Hips - Yoga Stretch

Yoga Stretch for Youthful Gate, Healthy Back and Hips
from the book The Heart’s Way to Happiness and Health by Violeta Bailets
 Order your copy or call 503-914-9693

Kneeling Lunge Sequence:
1.  Begin on your hands and knees.  Step your right foot between your hands.  Align your right knee with your toes and point your knee and toes straight ahead.  Reach your left leg as far back as is comfortable for your knees.  Keeping your left foot in line with the knee, rotate the top of the left foot and shin directly to the ground.
Tip: You can start kneeling on the folded blanket to cushion your knees.

2. Take your hands on the hips and level your hips. Draw your left hip forward and right hip back to level your hips.  Tuck pubic bone slightly in to lengthen lower back and prevent lower back from overarching.  Shift your hips forward.  Expand chest and open shoulders.  Hold for 3-5 breaths.

3.  Exhale and lower your arms down to the ground, step right foot back to change legs.
Modification 1:
To avoid pulling the back knee, keep the back knee more at a 90-degree angle.   This modification can actually more effectively stretch the front of the hips, then more advance pose.

Modification 2:  You can also place blocks under your hands. 
Caution:  Don’t ignore knee pain; discontinue any pose if it doesn’t feel right.